This website is dedicated to the history, preservation and, above all, USE of the remaining Saxon automobiles. From its founding 1913, the production of its first cars in 1914, to its demise in 1923, the Saxon Motor Car Company produced high-quality and well-designed vehicles that added over 100,000 cars on the world's early roads. Today the Saxon Registry can account for only about 150 remaining vehicles, though many of us suspect that there are more restorable cars to be found. Through the site's Marketplace, we hope to find homes for Saxons, parts for Saxon owners, and the encouragement to get Saxons back on the road for pleasant touring. Through the site's Technical page, we hope to help owners, buyers and other car buffs to properly identify Saxon cars. Through the site's photography and stories pages, we hope to celebrate Saxon Days … Those happy hours spent with our Saxons. We encourage readers to identify and register their cars with the Saxon Registry. For technical questions, there are two resources: an email service operated by Saxon Registry editor Alex Huppé, and the Saxon pages operated by the AACA Forum online. Get out and drive, Saxoneers!